Family Law Modifications in Fredericksburg, VA

If you are divorced or separated and need to modify an existing court order for child custody, visitation, or support, we can help.

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Fredericksburg Family Law Modifications and Enforcement Attorney

Even if you have an existing child support, child custody, spousal support, or other family law-related court order, depending on your situation, you can make changes or enforce a new court order. Whether you're trying to set boundaries with your ex-spouse or you're trying to gain increased access to your children, we can help. At Strentz Greene & Coleman, our goal is to help you modify an existing court order or enforce a new one to serve your family better. 

Should You Hire A Fredericksburg Family Law Modifications and Enforcement Attorney?

Even if Strentz Greene & Coleman didn't handle your initial case establishing a court order, we can assist in modifying or enforcing a new one. Additionally, we can help you enforce a new court order to ensure that you and your family are comfortable with your current situation. We can assist you with the following: 

  • Child custody modifications: Things like parent relocation, change in work schedule, change in your child's needs, or substance abuse might all be reasons why a Virginia court might allow you to modify your child's custody agreement. 
  • Child support modifications: Child support modifications can occur if there's a change in income, the child's custody agreement, or the child's needs. 
  • Spousal support modifications: Once an initial court-ordered spousal support amount has been set, modifications can typically only be made if circumstances change, like a sudden increase or decrease in the financial well-being of either spouse. Modification can lead to increased, decreased, or terminated spousal support. 
  • Property division modifications: Things that might allow you to request a property division include the discovery of hidden assets, fraud or misrepresentation of assets, or a change in property value. 
  • Court order enforcement: If a court order is not followed, the court might consider wage garnishment, seizure of property, or license suspension. Additionally, you can face fines or jail time if a court order is not followed. 

Our primary goal is to help you modify an existing court order to best meet your and your children's needs and establish a new court order to ensure that the ever-changing challenges associated with divorce are taken care of. We'll help you by filing the necessary paperwork and representing you in any court proceedings related to the modification or enforcement. 

How to Modify or Enforce a Family Law Court Order

If you are looking to modify an existing court order or enforce a new one, there are some steps that you need to take. Reaching out for experienced and professional legal representation can make this process much more manageable and yield a better outcome for you and your family. 

  • Identify the issue and gather evidence: An attorney will work with you to identify the issue that you are having and will assist in gathering evidence to bring to court. 
  • File a motion: An attorney will then file a motion with the court on your behalf to request the modification or enforcement of a court order. 
  • Attend court hearings: After filing a motion, you'll need to attend any required court hearings. Your attorney will provide the court with any evidence needed to help your case during this time. 
  • Await court decision: After filing a motion and attending any required court hearings, you will need to wait for the court to decide. You will receive a new court order reflecting any changes made if everything is approved. 
  • Adhere to the guidelines of the court order: After a court has modified or enacted an order, both parties will need to comply with the new terms. If not, you can face fines, jail time, and other consequences. 

Contact A Fredericksburg Family Law Modifications and Enforcement Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has recently been through a divorce and are looking to modify an existing court order or enforce a new one, Strentz Greene & Coleman can help. We'll stand by you in court and work to ensure that your wishes are followed through. 

If you are looking to modify an existing court order and are unsure of where to start, our experienced attorneys can help you understand the modification process. While modifying an existing order might seem intimidating, it's our goal to help you process any new information and advocate for you in court. Additionally, if you need assistance enforcing a new or existing court order, our attorneys are equipped to help protect you and your family's best wishes and ensure that the appropriate parties follow the order. 

Contact us today by calling (540) 479-1511 or via our contact page to schedule a consultation with our attorneys. 

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